
Combined summary - Penlock, a paper-computer for secret-splitting BIP39 seed phrases

Combined summary - Penlock, a paper-computer for secret-splitting BIP39 seed phrases

The discussion delves into the intricacies of utilizing slide wheels for arithmetic operations within Galois Fields, particularly emphasizing the contrast in ordering mechanisms necessary for such tools compared to traditional addition and subtraction methods.

This distinction necessitates the use of two separate wheels to facilitate both solving and recovery processes effectively. The analysis further explores the potential of integrating Lagrange polynomials into the computation framework, suggesting an alternative approach through empirical development rather than relying solely on theoretical underpinnings. Andrew Poelstra’s insights extend to the practical application of these concepts within cryptographic systems, as detailed on his website.

Penlock emerges as a novel cryptographic tool designed for secret splitting, employing algorithms that adapt based on the number of shares involved. It uniquely caters to both 2-of-M and more complex K>2-of-M scenarios within the finite field GF(29), showcasing an innovative approach to paper-based cryptography. The character set and mapping functionalities integral to Penlock facilitate its secret-splitting algorithm, emphasizing the tool's efficiency and reliability. Furthermore, Penlock incorporates a checksum mechanism to enhance data integrity, complemented by a printable wheel that aids in arithmetic operations necessary for secret management. This tool significantly contributes to the accessibility and practicality of cryptographic practices, as evidenced by resources available on

Andrew Poelstra’s correspondence also addresses advancements and ongoing challenges in digital document compatibility and cryptographic methodologies. Notable issues include pixelation and margin inaccuracies in "Print to PDF" features across certain browser versions, alongside discussions on seed phrase generation and optimization concerns. The dialogue underscores the significance of meticulous verification processes and the exploration of non-standard encoding strategies within cryptographic schemes. Moreover, Penlock’s approach to implementing arithmetic operations diverges from Codex32's methodologies, introducing unique solutions and potential risks associated with slider-wheel applications. The conversation culminates in advocating for a balanced approach to secure seed generation that prioritizes security, usability, and error resilience.

Penlock distinguishes itself by offering a secure and user-friendly method for blockchain savings management, addressing the critical need for wallet backup and inheritance planning without compromising security. By enabling secret-splitting of BIP39 seed phrases through an analog process, Penlock circumvents the risks associated with digital devices, promoting a trust-minimized approach to seed phrase management. This open-source project invites community collaboration to refine its design and functionality, marking a significant step forward in enhancing blockchain security practices. Further details and participation opportunities are available at, reinforcing Penlock’s commitment to community engagement and innovation in cryptographic solutions.

Discussion History

Rama GanOriginal Post
May 12, 2024 18:04 UTC
May 13, 2024 13:40 UTC
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May 16, 2024 17:24 UTC