
Anonymous usage tokens from curve trees or autct

Anonymous usage tokens from curve trees or autct

Original Postby AdamISZ

Posted on: May 15, 2024 01:25 UTC

The discussion highlights different models of anonymity within the blockchain context, specifically addressing the nuances between Taproot transactions and another proposed model.

The taproot model is praised for its unique approach to enhancing privacy, where a UTXO may possess a locking script that remains unseen on the chain. This method essentially groups users under the anonymity set of a specific protocol, suggesting a more tailored approach to privacy.

In contrast, an alternate model is mentioned, which seems to offer a narrower scope of anonymity. It involves participants in the Lightning Network who wish to engage in this protocol by publishing a key and a locking script for their UTXO. These members would then accept requests to participate through mechanisms like ring signatures or Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), which confirm ownership of one of the pre-registered keys and timelocked scripts.

Furthermore, the conversation touches upon the concept of "aut-ct," which aims at creating an anonymity set comprising all Taproot UTXO public keys that meet a specific public filter. This model promises a broader anonymity set but imposes greater restrictions on conditionality, presenting a trade-off between the size of the anonymity set and the flexibility of conditions under which anonymity is preserved. The explanation seeks to clarify the distinct approaches and their implications for user privacy within blockchain transactions, emphasizing the balance between broad anonymity and specific conditional privacy.