
Combined summary - Project categories?

Combined summary - Project categories?

The programming community is currently exploring the establishment of a new working group named wg-silent-payments, aimed at addressing several key areas in the realm of silent payments.

This initiative seeks to standardize indexes for light clients, support PSBT (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions) for sending and spending silent payment outputs, and develop a descriptor for silent payments. The creation of this working group stems from the recognition that these discussions are in their nascent stages, making them premature for draft BIPs (Bitcoin Improvement Proposals) or mailing list posts. Consequently, organizing these conversations within a working group provides an appropriate platform for focused and efficient discourse.

In a related development, the wg-cluster-mempool project, initially kept private within a select group, has now been made public. This transition reflects a significant stride towards enhancing transparency and engagement within the programming community while still maintaining a degree of regulation by restricting write permissions to group members only. Moreover, there's a willingness to extend this model to other groups seeking a similar arrangement, potentially paving the way for increased collaboration and information sharing among diverse programming collectives. This approach balances the dual objectives of fostering open participation and ensuring the integrity of contributions.

Additionally, the implementation of a new wg-blockrelay group/category has been introduced, focusing on the expansion of block-relay-only connections by Bitcoin Core peers. This initiative illustrates the utility of combining a category with a group to achieve various configurations of privacy and participation, ranging from private categories visible only to group members, to public categories with moderated posting privileges. Such flexibility in group and category management enhances the community's ability to tailor discussions to specific needs and preferences, including automatic notifications for members about relevant updates without overwhelming them with unrelated content.

Lastly, there's a proposal to introduce categories for bitcoin-related projects, such as bitcoin-inquisition, to facilitate announcements and discussions. This idea suggests creating groups for project owners, granting them the authority to moderate their respective categories. This proposition aims to accommodate projects that may not fall neatly into existing classifications like "tools" or "libraries," suggesting a broader category that could encapsulate a wide range of bitcoin-related endeavors. This inclusive framework would enable project-specific discourse without the necessity for projects to administer their dedicated forums, thereby streamlining communication and collaboration within the bitcoin programming community.

Discussion History

ajtownsOriginal Post
November 4, 2023 11:20 UTC
November 14, 2023 10:18 UTC
November 14, 2023 10:20 UTC
November 17, 2023 04:48 UTC
November 30, 2023 08:22 UTC
May 17, 2024 10:32 UTC
May 17, 2024 10:59 UTC