Griefing-Penalty: A proposal for mitigating Griefing Attack
Posted on: June 5, 2020 11:23 UTC
In a recent email conversation, ZmnSCPxj discussed the issue of soft-griefing attacks in Bitcoin.
The discussion centered around the fact that current instructions supported in Bitcoin make it hard to settle disputes related to soft-griefing attacks where a party withholds the preimage for a long time but releases it just before the expiration of locktime. In such cases, there is no chance to reverse-grief or impose griefing penalties. However, ZmnSCPxj argued that what is called "soft" griefing is actually the griefing attack expected to occur on the network. If the receiver lets the time elapse, then the forwarding node just before the receiver will close the channel, and closing and re-establishing channels is expensive for attackers. Despite this, the problem remains that if the receiver cancels the payment just before the lock time, there is currently no way to punish them.