
Ecash TIDES using Cashu and Stratum v2

Ecash TIDES using Cashu and Stratum v2

Posted on: May 16, 2024 10:20 UTC

The email inquires about the method of valuing keysets in Cashu, particularly those that correspond to difficulty targets, which are typically represented by a satoshi amount.

It seeks clarification on whether the value of a blind signature is determined by the target of the submitted Proof of Work (PoW) share, which is then signed by the mint. The query further explores the process of converting eShares into satoshis, questioning if the mint converts the target values of the eShares into satoshis during this transaction. The sender expresses understanding that the specific accounting for how each target is valued in satoshis is not detailed within the protocol but is curious about the rationale behind not directly using satoshis as the unit of measurement. This inquiry suggests an interest in the underlying logic or benefits of this approach, implying there must be significant reasons for this choice.